Why is this happening? | Sonic Adventure DX

Finishing Sonic’s story, we blunder through a surprisingly bad number of glitches and fails. This is fun, but it is NOT a good port. Mixer joined us off and on for this session. Playing This Game:The WildcatWredbearMixer #sonicadventure #gameplay #glitches #wildcat #wredbear #mixer

Something Is Wrong Here | LPU | Phasmophobia

Evidence would be really helpful I went into the hospital at the end of October 2021 due to a metal plate in my leg developing infection. I finally got out in December, so after Christmas, we returned to Phasmophobia. We found that much had updated and there were Christmas decorations and fun stuff around as

Meeting the Brotherhood | Saints Row II – Part 3

Double Plays: Saints Row 2 This is un-modded version of the Saints Row 2 PC Port on steam. It’s glitchy, but fun and easily the best story of the franchise. Playing This Game:The WildcatWredbear Music From Filmmusic.io The following music was used for this media project:Music: Too Cool by Kevin MacLeodFree download: https://filmmusic.io/song/4534-too-coolLicense (CC BY

Little Animals Might Be Harmed | Sonic Adventure DX

Continuing with Sonic’s story, we visit Twinkle park and meet Amy. Then we run down a building and chase robotnik’s egg carrier a second time. On a side note, if my voice sounds odd/tinny it’s because I apparently had the recording set with two of my mics recording myself into the same channel. I don’t