We Might Be Bad At This | LPU | Phasmophobia

We started recording Phasmophobia during the past year. The Wildcat and Wredbear begin this video on day one. Mixer joined in October and given some of the issues we had, these first three or so sessions were best edited down to 1 video. This was fun, but had issues. Add to that our complete lack

Why does everyone hate us? | Saints Row II – Part 1

Double Plays: Saints Row 2 Some time ago, I started a Double Plays run with Saints Row II with Tikchi. However, we couldn’t get workarounds for the coop play to work. Wredbear, my nephew, is able to join me for local game recording. So we decided to re-start the series. This is un-modded version of

My Speedy Shoes Wore Off | Sonic Adventure DX

I started a Sonic Adventure DX: Director’s Cut series once before and have played it once before that. All of this is the PC Port of the game and is a bit of a buggy mess. We finished the old series and then re-recorded the earlier episodes so Wredbear could join me for this series.

Art | Character Design | Mixer

Wredbear’s friend Mixer joined the creativity team as well. So this character uses his school colors and elements of creatures like the spider thing in his steam avatar. This is the timelapse of me finishing his character. Base drawing was pencil on paper. Forging the Links byKing Cobra at Key City Productionshttp://keycityproductions.bwldevelopment.com Music By Incompetech: