Art | Request | Elain The Bounty Hunter

First, I don’t do requests very often, and I take them on in a case-by-case basis with a bias toward our discord server. This is due to work and such. So I can’t say I will do this very often. However, after I posted my design for PrincessMusic, SuicideSquadArchives at DeviantArt requested this drawing AND

LPU Tryout 008 – Mixer

Mixer is Wredbear’s friend. He took the LPU Tryout and has since joined us for multiple LPU, RotA, and Fallout 76 recordings. This is the most recent tryout and the last new upload to this series before I begin re-editing old videos and start editing all new videos for various other series, many of which

LPU Tryout 007 – Wredbear

Wredbear is my nephew. Once he was old enough… probably almost 2 years ago now… he took the LPU Tryout and joined the Creativity Team. This is the first totally new tryout. Unfortunately, no one else was available to join in as many have real world matters or have moved to other efforts. Since this

Where Did You Get Our Driver | GTA Online

A few years ago – 2019 maybe – we were streaming/recording work on Zid’s Doomsday Heist in GTA Online.  During one of the heist prep activities, zid had some driving issues.

Art | Character Design | Wredbear

My nephew – Wredbear – took the LPU tryout. As such, he joined the creativity team and I made a character design for him. This is the timelapse of me inking and coloring his character. Base drawing was pencil on paper. Forging the Links byKing Cobra at Key City Productions Music By Incompetech: Dirt Rhodes