Tidbit – Planned Duplication

Given the difficulty and risk involved in a small channel hosting videos on YouTube, we have deided to expand where we will upload videos. Discord: https://discord.gg/PFFr5s2T-Shirts: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/BWLDevelopmentTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/bwl_thewildcatSupport BWL Projects: https://streamlabs.com/bwl_thewildcat BWL Development

BWL RoadTrip: Lan All Night 2: Silence of the Lans

https://youtu.be/23SukWJNAu0?si=JAy59dSYf9bYTUDw Lan All Night 2:Silence of the Lans Sorry this video took so long folks. I’ve picked up some new equipment and have been setting up something of a studio space for the last few months. This was a fun Halloween themed event at the Great Wolf Lodge. I had a chance to take my

BWL RoadTrip: QuakeCon At Home – 2020

QuakeCon 2020 was cancelled replaced with a virtual event this year due to 2020 issues. This RoadTrip was made from a variety of resources to create a BWL RoadTrip for an event that was entirely On-Line. It was interesting. MUSIC IN THIS VIDEO: “Sunday Stroll” by Huma-Humafrom the YouTube Music Library RetroFuture Clean by Kevin


This is a “short trip” due to budget limits. We’re headed to the Great Wolf Lodge in Grapevine Texas for Lan All Night, a new lan party organized by QNN and the QCon forums as a new Lanfest event. Sorry this took over a month to post. I’ve been busy with work related issues, my

Story Strategy Sunday: Ghostbusters

Ghostbusters And Sony First up on this Strategy Session, let’s address some elephants in the room. Ghostbusters 2016 was no good. It relied too heavily on improvisation and was poorly directed. It played out more like a parody or spoof. An SNL skit of Ghostbusters rather than a true Ghostbusters movie. That film had more