DPs: Saints Row 2 – Part 10

Bowler Bros. Mr Wong arrives for a short visit. Now it’s time to finish the Ronin. Vogel points us to their hotel HQ. The brat attacks a funeral. And we find plenty of reasons to wipe them out. MUSIC IN THIS VIDEO: Music from https://filmmusic.io:“Too Cool” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)Licence: CC BY (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.de) Music from

DPs: Saints Row 2 – Part 09

In this video, we located Julius and discovered that he was the mad boat bomber. We also continue the campaign against the Ronin and finally take down Aisha’s killer. This episode ran into the worst glitches we’ve faced with screen freezing and crashes to desktop tanking our first attempt at a stream completely. After an

BWL RoadTrip: QuakeCon 2019

After a year of recovery and surgery for my broken ankle, I didn’t have much budget for trips. But we still managed to make the annual trip to QuakeCon. The video will premiere at 5pm central. QuakeCon 2019 was basically branded DOOMCon the focus was clearly on DOOM Eternal. It was a fun trip, but

Double Plays: Saints Row 2 – Part 08

The Brotherhood is finally finished. Now it’s time to go after the Ronin, but I’m not as invested in ruining them as I had been Mr Worf. Of course, they had to do something stupid. Now they will all die. MUSIC IN THIS VIDEO: Music from https://filmmusic.io:“Obliteration” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)Licence: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Music