Lazy Plays: Sonic Adventure DX – Part 7

In this episode, I start the Tails story. But due to an issue, I basically combined 2 episodes worth of video. Even without that detail, I am plowing through this little side-story.

Double Plays: Saints Row 2 – Part 04

Tikchi again joins us in chat while we run through some missions for all 3 rival gangs. We need to launder some money, kills some drug dealers, and give Mr Worf a new glow in the dark tattoo. Music from“Too Cool” by Kevin MacLeod ( CC BY ( Music from“Run Amok” by Kevin

LPU L4D2 – Dark Carnival

H@rb1nger joins zid, pixelflckr, and myself as we make are way through the Whispering Oaks amusement park. We also make it a Gnome Run. It is a tough one for some silly reasons.