IAS Fadecon 3d

It’s a Spectacle: FADECON 3D Special

  This episode contains far less commentary then normal.  Due in part to sound issues, a great deal of my commentary is muffled by the games.  Also, due to a blend of tired and the chaos of some of our gameplay, I comment far less then normal anyway. Enjoy this special if you like to


It’s the third year of the winter FADECON Lan Party. It’s a return to the Hyatt Place in Garland to kick off the 2016 RoadTrip season and BWL’s 10th anniversary year. Music by Kevin MacLeodof incompetech.com Frozen StarRetro Future CleanExit the PremisesDisco MedusaeDanger StormThe LiftEarly RiserPyro Flow Live Stream footage from tastyspleen.tv #FADECON3D #2016 #roadtrip

LPU – L4D2 – Episode 02: FIREWORKS

  Crash Course. What happens when a fairly straight forward campaign gradually gains unexpected intensity?  And why are boxes of fireworks so important? Neither of these questions will be answered properly in this episode.  But the short 2 map campaign turns chaotic several times and Syrus and Tikchi bicker over the boxes.  And Paces suffers

It’s a Spectacle: New Year’s Eve 2015

  In this episode, I play one continuous session on the final night of 2015.  Happy New Year. This year’s games are: DCUO Left 4 Dead 2 Chainsaw Massacre GTA Online QuakeLive Instagib Minecraft Montage Tour & Announcement Music by Kevin MacLeod at incompetech.com Perspectives Opening Track by King Cobra |-[ More It’s a Spectacle

LPU Practice & Pubbies: Four Swordsman Alone

Let’s Play United – Practice & PubbiesEpisode 04: Four Swordsman Alone LPU Players: The Wildcat Recorded during an informal practice session, no one else showed up. No Mercy, Four Swordsmen, Advanced Difficulty, and Me. LPU Theme: Forging the Linksby King Cobra atKey City Productions