BattleStation Plays: Fallout 3 Part 1

So… PC gaming… battlestations… where you do battle.  I was thinking of a show with mst3k style silhouette in front of the game footage. Those two ideas combined for this.  And Fallout 4 is coming in a few hours.  I want to wait a little before starting a play through.  Fallout 3 and New Vegas

Realms of the AWESOME: A Glitch in Time

Realms of the AWESOME: Episode 11.5A Glitch in Time – I found The Lost Episode 12 In this episode, I try to finish the park, level a mountain, and convert a village of zombies into villagers.  But glitches, particularly unexplained connection problems, occur with increasing intensity.  Enough to rip the fabric of space time. If

Lazy Plays: GTA Online – Part 1

Playing: The Wildcat This is a collection of clips from the first week that GTA Online was available on PC.  I was mostly just trying to get a feel for the game, but ran into many issues including an ever changing aspect ratio.  And explosions. Music by Kevin MacLeodat Bad Ideas

LPU Broken Links Compilation: Old Footage

Bronken Links CompilationEp 01: Old Footage Broken Links is our montage or clip show.  We take a look at flubs, mistakes, bugs, and glitches. In this episode, we compile clips from all of our previous footage from 2012 to near present. Music by Kevin MacLeodat Fluffing a DuckMusic to DelightSneaky SnitchMeanwhile in BavariaMeatball ParadeMerry

LPU Practice & Pubbies: Killing Time

Let’s Play United – Practice & PubbiesEpisode 03: Killing Time LPU Players: The Wildcat, SyrusRayne, Tikchi the Ratman Players: OraNgE BaLL, JustAnAlien, hatt*, Bath Salt Zombie, [D§♠] Psychosomatic Static Recorded on 16 June, 2012 this episode features 1v1 on Crash Bandicoot Course 2 and campaign on Blood Harvest and No Mercy. This is the longest