Realms of the AWESOME: Celebration

Realms of the AWESOME: Episode 13Celebration – New Year’s Eve Time for a short vacation at New Year’s Eve. In this episode I visit Dark II to grind a few donations for the MA Fireworks display. And I visit two of the bigger more fancy communities on the server for a quick look around their

Realms of the AWESOME: Working Hard

Realms of the AWESOME: Episode 12Working Hard – I Lost an Episode 🙁 At last, I got around to editing some footage I had from earlier this year and late last year.  Unfortunately, I lost an episode worth of footage somewhere along the way. In this episode, I finish converting zombie villagers, continue leveling terrain,

It’s A Spectacle: Quake 4

  I wanted to get a few of these out before QuakeCon this year.  And I wanted to include some of the older FPS games.  Then the qconforums game night for April 2015 was Quake 4. It’s good timing. This episode was a bit longer then I originally intended, but I got a load of

Lazy Plays: GTA V Part 4

  Boats N Cars This episode is a full play session on the official day of release.  This time, I had way less time to play the Story Mode, and the results were compressed down into one episode. Music by Kevin Macleod at Bad Ideas (clean) Bad Ideas (distressed) |-[ More Lazy Plays ]-|

Lazy Plays: GTA V Part 3

Repo Work Part 3 is the end of my session from the night GTA V unlocked for PC.  Time to do some missions for story progression. Music by Kevin Macleod at Bad Ideas (clean) Bad Ideas (distressed) |-[ More Lazy Plays ]-| |-[ PlayList ]-|