Lazy Plays: GTA V Part 2

  Grand Thefting a New Auto On the night GTA V unlocked for PC, I couldn’t wait to get in the game’s story.  That said, I sort of decided to get a new car and do some other sand boxy things. Music by Kevin Macleod at Bad Ideas (clean) Bad Ideas (distressed) |-[ More

Lazy Plays: GTA V Part 1

  Learning to Drive On the night GTA V unlocked for PC, I couldn’t wait to get in the game’s story.  And what better way to kick off Lazy Plays. LPs is our catch all show which could feature anything from GTA to Oregon Trail Director’s cut. Music by Kevin Macleod at Bad Ideas

LPU Practice and Pubbies: FADECON 2015 Special

I did not plan to make an LPU special while at FADECON.  It just happened.  Largely because our group decided to try Dark Carnival on Expert. LPU Players: The Wildcat Players: [FANG] LandoProfessor Ratigan2GUNFlare [ w/ Symbols and Rage ] LPU Theme by King Cobra atKey City Productions Thanks for a fun time folks. This

BWL RoadTrip: FADECON 2015

The second trip of 2015 is to Garland for FADECON. The second year of this 24 hour lan party, it’s a valentine’s day treat. This was very fun and thanks to everyone involved for a great trip. Music by Kevin MacLeodat – Retro Future Clean– Breakdown– Blown Away– Ready Aim Fire– Eighties Action Live

…on Net Neutrality

For this Notebook entry, I am simply posting the full text of a message I sent to  I would certainly encourage everyone to spread awareness of the upcoming vote. Hello,  I’m The Wildcat [ Jason Holder ] of  We’re a site dedicated to creativity and gaming. As a very small site, we support