BWL RoadTrip: PAX South 2015

We start off our 2015 RoadTrips with a visit to San Antonio for PAX South. This was a healthy first year for this event and I look forward to more in the future. Music by Kevin MacLeod at – RetroFuture Clean– Anamalie– Presenterator– Ouroboros– Cipher– Motivator– Pixel Peeker Polka – Faster– Electrodoodle– Chipper Doodle

Realms of the AWESOME: The Return

Realms of the AWESOME: Episode 11The Return – Finishing the Village It’s time now to return to NorthRidge.  And I haven’t been there since May. So now I feel the need to build in force.  To finish the village and move on to other parts of the city. But what about the dragging connections?  And

It’s a Spectacle: QuakeCon 2014 Special

  The QuakeCon 2014 Special is here. I do apologize for the dryness of the commentary.  I found myself tired as the weekend went on and also somewhat unprepared. In this final special from QuakeCon 2014, I play TF2, UT2k4, Borderlands 2, and QuakeLive. With so much video, I have had to trim some footage

StarBOUNDLESS: Episode 0

StarBOUNDLESS: Episode 0 QuakeCon 2014 Special Recorded at QuakeCon 2014, this episode is basically more of a test / preview / explanation of our plans for this series and our server. For the first look at the series, the intro is far more epic than it has any right to be. The basic concept is

Realms of the AWESOME: The Colony

Realms of the AWESOME: Episode 10The Colony – QuakeCon 2014 Special In this episode, we take a break from my regular projects to visit The Colony during QuakeCon 2014. I originally planned this to be a series of episodes, but really only had time for one. Music by Kevin MacLeod at – The Complex–