BWL BTS: A-Kon 24 – Interuptions, Fatigue, and Frustration

BWL Behind The ScenesA-Kon 24 – Interuptions, Fatigue, and Frustration This video is a collection of clips that were cut from the A-Kon 24 RoadTrip video. Please try to enjoy it for what it really is – a bonus video of my unusable footage and frustrations. Music by Dan-O at– Blue Devil Plain  

Tidbit #2 – V-Log A-Kon Issues

This was my final thoughts vlog about A-Kon 24.  Specifically, the line issues and the Parking situation. Tidbit theme by King Cobra at Key City Productions.

Special: QconForums Ugliest Keyboard and Mouse Contest

The following special video is a quickly shot and edited video from the BYOC floor of QuakeCon 2013.  The admins decided to have a contest.  An “ugliest” keyboard and mouse contest. Nvidia / EVGA’s representatives learned of this and offered to help sponsor the event by providing swag and a place to hold the

BWL RoadTrip: 5th Anniversary Retrospective

It’s time now to take a look back at the last four years of QuakeCon as we rapidly approach the start of the 5th Anniversary QuakeCon 2013 RoadTrip. Due to time limitations and trying to get this out before this year’s trip, I edited this and then recorded an audio commentary. Music:Original RoadTrip ThemeThe Metropolis

BWL RoadTrip: A-Kon 24

Sorry that this video took so long to release. Music: Music By Dan-O at – Remember How It Started– The Lady of Vastness– Canvas 9– Come Alive– Coconut Water– Alta Vibracion– The World At Large– Art of Gardens Instrumental– Unclaimed Territory– Resolution Additional Music by Key City Productions – King Cobra Thanks to everyone