Tidbit #1 – How About That Weather?

BWLs Tidbits – Tidbit #1 How About That Weather?On the 17th of June, a thunderstorm passed through with hurricane force winds and heavy rain.  I was thinking of making a new series for vlogs and other random stuff and at the time thought I might want to record the weather event. So here you go. 

Video Update #2

In this episode, we very quickly touch on some of our project plans and news.  Then we take a quick look at the progress on Cat-Life and EDOC_32’s contributions to the project.   Music by Dan-O at DanoSongs.com Everything Begins InstrumentalViolet ShrineSun SparkMatiere Noire Vibrante   Other Music by KingCobra at Key City Productionshttp://keycityproductions.bwldevelopment.com

BWL Special: A Tour of the Realm

Back in October, we updated the Realm of the Nine Fires minecraft server to 1.3 And with that update, we finally committed to restarting our Universe from scratch.  But before shutting down the old version of the Realm, we decided to take one last tour of our handy work. Enjoy this Thanksgiving special as share

It’s A Spectacle: GMod Tower

  On the 29th of September, we organized a small group to play GMTower.  Only three of us were in the vent, but the server was packed during one of it’s peak times. Thanks to Syrus and AAsama for joining me for this special episode as we tour the most ambitious gamemode mod projects ever

BWL Special: A second First Look at GMTower

  There are several points to be made about this video in the description.  See the info below. This video is not a “good” video.  It has commentary, gameplay, music, etc.  However, due to our many issues, it lacks certain consistency and quality.  However, rather then scrap or re-shoot this, we decided to simply edit