GMod Server Opens To Public

Okay guys, this is it. The BWL Central GMod server is now open for the public.  That means, the password is disabled now.  Be sure to check the “Game Servers” forum for a list of downloads you’ll want and to report errors, bugs, downtime, etc. Be sure to sign-up and request “GMod Access” on the

BTS: QuakeCon RoadTrip

UPDATE: Our video host for this episode was  As part of their 4th quarter 2013 channel purge, the BWL blip channel was shut down.  Although we could re-upload the episode to YouTube, this episode will likely remain down unless viewers express sufficient interest. BWL Behind The Scenes: QuakeCon 2010 RoadTrip Unused and behind the

BWL RoadTrip: QuakeCon 2010 – Redux

Several years ago, most of my videos were hosted on but I was a small channel. When they began purging smaller channels, several old RoadTrips were never re-uploaded here due to the music I used. Now I’m slowly re-editing those 2009 & 2010 RoadTrips using my modern techniques, tools, and resources. QuakeCon 2010 moved

It’s A Spectacle: 2Fort

It’s A Spectacle. In this episode, we join’s 24/7 2Fort Party! server for a couple of rounds. First, we spectate for a time and see how the round is being played, then I myself join in on the action. Music used: Team Fortress 2 from Team Fortress 2Playing With Danger from Team Fortress 2

Key City Productions

We have a very brief news item today.  We would just like to extend a short welcome to Key City Productions and King Cobra.  Today I finished working on the site re-skin and, although the pages aren’t written yet, it is time to announce that KCP is now joining SF Studios as a BWL hosted