New Look and Feel

Finally, the new WordPress blog, the new forums, and the matching skins are done.  Welcome to the latest version of our site. EDIT: Just a few details here… The new site design is editable by those I choose to promote.  VIP’s and Team members need to sign up so I can make you Authors or

Progress is Progressing… Progresively

Sorry for the cheesy title, but I’m tired and in a funny mood. My conversion of the site is progressing nicely now.  I have finished making the new skin and setting up the old links and affiliates and such.  And now I have finished converting the template for the various forms of the slide-show on

Site Changes Under Way

Tonight, being my night off, I have started the site change over.  I will be installing and configuring WordPress to serve as our main site template.  Expect a new look. I’m not sure how long the full conversion will take, especially since some pages will still be used seperate form WordPress.  But expect to see