Reckonings and Consequences | Saints Row II – Part 4

Double Plays: Saints Row 2 We wrap up much of the side gameplay and then really push into the main story with the Brotherhood. This is un-modded version of the Saints Row 2 PC Port on steam. It’s glitchy, but fun and easily the best story of the franchise. Playing This Game:The WildcatWredbear Music From

Meeting the Brotherhood | Saints Row II – Part 3

Double Plays: Saints Row 2 This is un-modded version of the Saints Row 2 PC Port on steam. It’s glitchy, but fun and easily the best story of the franchise. Playing This Game:The WildcatWredbear Music From The following music was used for this media project:Music: Too Cool by Kevin MacLeodFree download: (CC BY

The Saints Resurrected | Saints Row II – Part 2

The Saints Resurrected | Saints Row II – Part 2 Double Plays: Saints Row 2 Continuing the Saints Row 2 story, we do a bit of side mission grinding and then re-form the saints… and begin a problem with crashes that ultimately results in us saving every time we finish a mission. This is un-modded

Why does everyone hate us? | Saints Row II – Part 1

Double Plays: Saints Row 2 Some time ago, I started a Double Plays run with Saints Row II with Tikchi. However, we couldn’t get workarounds for the coop play to work. Wredbear, my nephew, is able to join me for local game recording. So we decided to re-start the series. This is un-modded version of