The Clown Wants To Play | DC Universe Online (pc)

WredBear, Wildcat, and PrincessMusic continue the first of 6 playthroughs of DCUO. It’s Doctors and Clowns today. Playing This Game:The WildcatWredBearPrincessMusic DCUO #gameplay #glitches #wildcat #wredbear

New Heroes of Gotham | DC Universe Online (pc)

WredBear, Wildcat, and PrincessMusic begin the first of 6 playthroughs of DCUO. Superman and the justice league help new heroes escape Braniac and recruit them to fight their battles for them. Playing This Game:The WildcatWredBearPrincessMusic Stock Music provided by MarcoMartone, from Pond5 Music provided by MarcoMartone,from DCUO #gameplay #glitches #wildcat #wredbear