Nine Years Now | Lazy Plays | Grand Theft Auto V (pc)

Wildcat played GTA 5 back when it unlocked for PC in April of 2015. He played and recorded off and on, but stoped posting new parts due to the quality changes and wanting a fresh start. Now, 9 years later, it’s time to restart this series. It’s GTA V with WredBear. Playing This Game:The WildcatWredbear

Lan All Night IX | Age of Empires II | Golf With Your Friends | Pummel Party

During the BWL RoadTrip to Lan All Night IX – The Lan Before Time, Wildcat, WredBear, and PrincessMusic played several games. Here’s three of them. AOE II, Golf with Your Friends, and Pummel Party. Playing These Games:The WildcatWredBearPrincessMusic #pummelparty #gameplay #AgeOfEmpiresII #GolfWithYourFriends #BWLRoadTrip

Tomfoolery: The MacBeth’s Circuit | GTA Online | Hang’n Out

PrincessMusic joined WredBear and Wildcat for a drunk dash race and some more opportunities to learn the game. We lost WredBear’s footage.  And we had not yet set up PrincessMusic to record. So not as many options for camera views today. Playing This Game:The WildcatWredbearPrincessMusic Music From and “Hand Trolley” Kevin MacLeod (