5:30 AM CST – The first BWL RoadTrip is about to begin.

Check out the Pre-Show Video on the August Trifecta sub-page.  Update videos and the main presentation will be posted over the weekend and into next week.  Enjoy.


UPDATE #1 has been posted.


Update #2 is up.


Update #3 is up.  I think they’re getting shorter as I’m trying to save the better stuff for the v-log.  Also, I’ve noticed that as I become as tired as I am now, I seem to loose the ability to emote properly.  I become sluggish.

Anyway, I’ll be more rested when I make the full v-log and I won’t be talking… so It should be more interesting.

One more update to go.


Update #4.

Terrible sound, but I decided to keep it rather then trying to dub it and spending a great deal of time on a short update.  Sometimes, the subtitles are hard to see also… but I’ll be discussing my thoughts on the daily update idea in addition to other “lessons” I learned from this trip in a new forum topic.  I’m only posting this one to complete the set.

This one was not quite as short as I expected it to be, but it isn’t long.

I’m late with this one due to the fact that, after I arrived home in the early morning and finished unpacking, I started dozing off at the computer.

Picture of The Wildcat

The Wildcat